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By shopping online at Hekka using our deal will get you Up to 49% Off Popular Brands Flash Sale. Your up to 49% discount will automatically be applied without coupon on hekka.com.
Deal Of The day
Get 25% Off $299+ Orders of Select Items
Start saving at Hekka when applying "FA25OFF" coupon code at checkout. Click this hekka.com link to place your online order. Discounts may depend on stock limitations.
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Get Extra 15% Off $89+ Fashion Orders
Click this link and avoid unnecessary spendings at Hekka. Insert "FA15OFF" discount code to unlock Extra 15% Off $89+ Fashion Orders. Get it before prices go up!
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Let's Save On HEKKA Products With Onlineofferzone.in

Nowadays online shopping made our life much easier, now we can shop from anywhere, without visiting any shopping mall or stores. HEKKA ONLINE SHOPPING becomes even more fascinating when we get HEKKA PROMO CODES, which can be used to get some of the best deals at HEKKA SALE. With constant deals and offers served at Onlineofferzones.in you will be able to save big and making use of HEKKA PROMO CODE will help you get HEKKA products even at their best price. At Onlineofferzones.in will be able to get numbers of HEKKA Coupon Code and you can avail of maximum HEKKA DISCOUNT on shopping at HEKKA. If you are shopping for the first time in HEKKA then you can get a HEKKA NEW USER COUPON and HEKKA FIRST ORDER COUPON. You can avail any of the HEKKA DISCOUNT COUPON given at Onlineofferzone.in to grab the latest Discount given at the HEKKA Online Store.


A Founded in Singapore, Hekka is an international online marketplace that features a broad range of products and is emerging as a lifestyle shopping platform that brings products at a fair price to netizens. Together with its large audience, Hekka cherishes and celebrates everyday moments through its capability to create an inclusive, cross-border and seamless shopping experience for all. Counting on high-end technology and following emerging trends, Hekka stands as a reminder that living life while celebrating simple everyday pleasures is a great way to achieve life’s fulfillment. To learn more about Hekka, visit www.hekka.combat HEKKA

Hekka has its own platform, hekka.com, and an App built for iOS and Android featuring a range of products and categories. Its main categories consist of 3C (Computer, Communication, and Consumer Electronics) and fashion, and it also features home decor in the European market. Soon enough, Hekka will offer products of all sorts for different audiences.

When it comes to customers, we have a customer-centric approach. Hekka provides a positive customer experience before and after the sale, in order to drive repeated business, increase the number of regular customers, enhance customer loyalty and improve business growth. At Hekka, customers will always be at the center, which requires us to be resilient enough to withstand market changes and find opportunities to make breakthroughs. In addition, customer-centricity involves aligning organizational resources to effectively respond to the ever-changing needs of customers and building mutually profitable relationships with customers.

Every employee is a superhero at Hekka. The world of e-commerce is a great way for people to build valuable skills and grow meaningful careers. At Hekka, everyone has the opportunity to celebrate daily highlights, cherish a simple but meaningful life with our audience and, alongside, discover a path to a great career.

Our team sticks to long-term, which means we believe in the power of time. We always stay patient and never give up. When we have set higher and further goals, we implement them in stages step by step, until we reach our goals.

We are an inclusive platform, not only because we are reaching customers globally, but we work with people from different cultural backgrounds too. Hekka highly encourages independent and critical thinking. We sincerely respect every team member and are always willing to accept suggestions and comments.


Hekka offered the following product:

  • All Dresses
  • All Tops
  • Sweaters & Cardigans
  • Hoodies & Sweatshirts
  • All Swimwear
  • All Bottoms
  • All Shoes
  • All Accessories
  • All Jewelry
  • All Bags


  •  Have a look at all the latest HEKKA Discount Codes, Offers, coupon codes, and deals on Onlinecouponcodes.in
  • Select the HEKKA Coupon or Deal that you want to use.
  • Click on the Avail Coupon | Avail Deal Button that you like the most and want to use.
  • Create an account or sign in to your HEKKA account.
  • Apply the Discount Code in the Discount code box and avail of the extra Discount.
  • Add the address details and contact details and go ahead with the payment options.
  • Select the payment options and make payments


  • Credit card
  • Debit card
  • MasterCard
  • Klarna
  • American Express
  • Discover
  • JCB


  • The tracking number and the delivery company website link will be sent via e-mail immediately after we ship your order. You can also track your orders from 'Your Orders' directly on our website with the tracking number.


  • We make returns easy
  • Learn about our 30-day return policy, process, & exceptions.
  • Easy returns on thousands of items! You may return most new, unopened/unworn items sold and fulfilled by Hekka within 30 days of delivery for a full refund.

How to return your item?

  • Drop us an email at customerservices@hekka.com with your return request.
  • Wait until the return request is authorized. It may take up to 48hrs, and you will receive an email with the instructions and return address.
  • Ship the item(s).
  • Send us the shipping receipt and information. Please, take careful notice of the tracking information as they are important for the swift return/refund process.
  • A refund will be released within five working days after we receive the package.


  • Please return the item by regular mail only. Do not use a courier such as DHL, FedEx, or UPS; otherwise, you may be taxed. Reimbursements are not applicable.

How to cancel/modify an order

  • To cancel an order, please submit a cancellation request on customerservices@hekka.com with the corresponding subject. Our customer service will promptly communicate via email, so please pay attention to the reply (within 48h).


  • Shipped item(s) cannot be canceled. In this case, we recommend waiting for your order to be delivered and once you receive your item(s)/parcel, please send us a message with the cancellation/modification request, and we will help you process it.
  • If you have any doubts or questions about shipping, returns, payments, or general product information, don’t hesitate to contact us at customerservices@hekka.com. We will do our best to provide you with great quality services.


  • Refunds will be issued to the original payment method. For PayPal account holders, please allow up to 3-5 business days for the transaction to appear in your PayPal account; for other payment methods, the process may take up to 7-14 business days. The exact length of time is dependent on your card issuing bank.


Customer care: customerservices@hekka.com.

Singapore branch office: Company Name: DTGC Pvt. Ltd

Company Address: 10 Anson RD 27-18 International Plaza Singapore (079903)

Hong Kong branch office: Company Name: Asia Innovations HK Limited

Company Address: Room 101, 31/F The gateway tower 5, Canton Road, Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui, KLN, HK, China

EU branch office: Company Name: Asia Innovations Cyprus Limited

Company address: 81-83 Grivas Digenis Avenue, Jacovides Tower 1 Floor, 1090 Nicosia, Cyprus

The European operation is being handled by the Cyprus company.

  • Please do not use the postal addresses above for returns. If you have any queries, please contact our Customer Service team.



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